Lawmen & Outlaws
 O. T. & I. T.




Many Officers on Trail of Robbers
Submitted by: Mollie Stehno


The Oklahoma Leader
October 26, 1916

The reward of $2,000 offered by the government and Miller Brothers for the capture of the bandits who killed Percy A. Norman, mail clerk, near Bliss, has spurred officers to renewed efforts. Old time officers of he east side of the state have joined the chase. It is thought at least four of the robbers are hiding in the Osage hills.
A party of eight Santa Fe detectives left Guthrie last night for the Osage country. Two detectives of the Wells Fargo express company accompanied them.
That the robbers secured a large amount of money is generally the belief, although the express company and the government officials are reticent on the subject.

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Updated: Saturday, 07-Dec-2024 02:37:01 UTC

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