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The Guthrie Daily Leader, June 7, 1896
Julia Moore, living near Courtney, Chickasaw Nation, is in Jail at Paris, Tx on a charge of murdering her illegitimate child. The baby was born May 4, and its mutilated corpse was found 4 days later after being dragged from its place of concealment and partially devoured by hogs.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, June 10, 1896
A new band of outlaws has been formed near Muldrow. Members include "Shad" and Charlie Choate. Choate is said to be a cousin of the "Verdegris Kidd" who was a member of the Cook gang, and was killed at Braggs about a year ago.
Gibson Pistukeha and Batie Battist, both charged with murder, escaped from the district jail a few days ago, by making a break for liberty when taking their meals. They have not been caught yet. (Atoka)
Chas Fennell, a whisky peddler, was brought in from Pawnee country yesterday and lodged in the federal jail.
Deputy Dennis O'Brien brought in yesterday George Ragler, a notorious horse thief. He is committed to jail in default of a $300 bond.
Deputy Snoddy committed Jacob Clingerman to the federal jail yesterday. This culprit was convicted in Woods county for timber cutting and sentenced to 60 days imprisonment and fined $18.
Bill Radler, the outlaw, has been granted another stay of execution. He was sentenced to 10 years in the pen for attempted train robbery near Dover.
News reached here yesterday that Charles N. Dugger, one of the oldest marshals in Oklahoma, was killed in Osage nation Saturday night while attempting to arrest a band of whiskey sellers. Deputy Joe Boyle of Missouri is also reported killed. Dugger had been marshal in the territory for twenty years and came here from Texas.
Manda Segraves made application to Judge Tarshey to be released on a writ of habeas corpus yesterday. She was convicted at the last term of the El Reno district court of returning to an Indian reservation after having been evicted there from, and fined $1,000 and imprisoned in default of the judgment.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, June 11, 1896
Ardmore, IT: Seth Morris, a wealthy stockman who killed Albert Crow at Fox, IT, some 30 miles west of this city, a few weeks ago, was captured by deputy Marshals in the Table mountains, near that place yesterday. Morris resisted arrest and was shot in the arm and one bullet grazed his neck. He was taken to Purcell for preliminary hearing. The Crows live hear Morris and have a bad reputation in the neighborhood for branding other peoples stock. Crow met Morris one day and accused him of circulating these reports, threatening his life and punching him with his gun.
Pauls Valley, IT: Bob Herin, in charge of the sheriff of Eastland county, Texas, arrested near Chandler, Okla, jumped from the train one mile south of here last night and made a successful escape.
James Fowler, a farmer living near Hennessey, is under arrest charged with shooting Mrs. Prebble, a neighbor.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, June 13, 1896
Antlers, IT: Last night at Davenport, a flag station two miles north of here, J. O. Workman shot and killed Barta Hinds, a log contractor, for alleged intimacy with Workman's wife. He immediately surrendered and was locked up.
The Oklahoma City Oklahoman says a report from Paris, Tx, relates to the experience of a half dozen marshals in a trip in the Creek nation to capture the Christian gang. They trailed the gang to their rendezvous on Deep Fork, in the western part on the nation. As they approached the two cabins where the gang was supposed to be, a Negro named Setphenson came out and showed fight. Before he could shoot, however, the officers fired and he fell wounded to death.
In the other cabin there was another Negro, Dick Sanger, who surrendered. Sanger was turned over to the Creek authorities, as they has a reward standing for him for robbing a man of $1,500.
The Negro told the officers that the Christian gang had been at the cabins but a short time before their arrival.
Since William Holf shot and killed William Fowler, two years ago, the relations of the dead man's widow and brother James have caused criticism. Mrs. K. J. Beadles, a sister of James, remonstrated with him, and yesterday he shot her slightly with a Winchester at the house where William Fowler was killed. Her brother has been taken to jail to Kingfisher.
Harry St. John, the Oklahoma City wife murderer will be tried in the El Reno court next month.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, June 17, 1896
E. V. Nix was committed to the federal bastile charged with perjury in the U. S. Land Office in Oklahoma City.
Deputy Dennis O'Brien committed Henry Curley to the federal jail yesterday in default of $500 in bonds for stealing cattle.
R. S. Cox was released from the federal jail on bond. He was convicted of perjury and sentenced to 4 years in the penitentiary.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, June 20, 1896
Bill Raidler, the outlaw convicted of the Rock Island train robbery, was yesterday morning taken to the Columbus, O., penitentiary by Deputy Marshals Charles Colcord of Perry, and Ike Steele. Raidler received a 25 year sentence.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, June 21, 1896
Dynamite Dick - Brought to this City and is jailed on the Charge of Murder - Dick Clifton, alias Dan Wiley, Alias "Dynamite Dick," was brought to this city yesterday and lodged in the Federal jail. "Dynamite Dick" is a notorious outlaw, the last of the Dalton gang, that took part in the bandit fight at Ingles in 1893. Last year when Outlaws "Slaughter Kid" and Charles Pierce were killed and brought to this city, the impression was out that Pierce was the real "Dynamite Dick," but such is not the case. Ever since February 1894, Clifton has been chased by Deputy F. M. Canton, of the Pawnee district, to whom all credit is due for his capture. The outlaw was pulled at Rush Springs, Chickasaw nation, February 1, on the charge of selling whiskey to Indians. Previous to that time he had been tracked from the Triangle country and back by Deputy Canton. A reward of $2,000 was offered for Clifton's capture and Marshal Shep Williams of the Paris district claimed all the credit and the reward for the capture. "Dynamite Dick" was brought to this city yesterday on the charge of killing Tom Watson in the Osage country. Last evening he was rearrested by Canton on the charge of killing Deputies Huston, Speed and Shadley in the Ingalls battle. In Commissioner Thomas' court the outlaw was fully identified as "Diamond Dick" and was committed to the Federal jail.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, June 24, 1896
Black Bart Hold Up - Robbery of a stage with pioneer days features - The Tahlequah and Ft. Gibson stage was held up and robed about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon seven miles out from Ft. Gibson. At a sharp turn in the road two masked men stepped out and drew down on the driver with Winchesters. The driver and one passenger, Roy Hicks, of Claremore were touched for all they had. The mail pouch was taken by the robbers and the driver ordered to mount and drive on. It is not known whether the pouch contained registered letters or not. No clue as to the parties who committed the crime has been obtained. The impression seems to be that they were local toughs. Officers are not investigating the matter.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, June 25, 1896
Bandits Bagged - Two Brothers Who are Wanted for Various Crimes - Deputy Chas. Dugger and Posse man John Doyle came in from the north with the outlaws Pleas and Bob Blair, who are charged with various home stealings and roffing the post offices at Skiatook and CadaLee, in the Cherokee nation. The prisoners are members of the Cravens gang and were caught after a stubborn fight just south of Coffeyville in the Cherokee nation.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, June 26, 1896
Sam Moore was released from the federal jail yesterday on bond. He is charged with cattle stealing in the Osage country.
Dalton's Slayers - Number of Deputy Marshals Indicted for killing the Outlaw - A report from Ardmore says: The federal grand jury now in session at Parris, Texas, has returned indictments against S. T. Lindsay, W. E. Roberts, Will Freeman, Loss Hart, D. E. Booker, J. M. Reynolds and other deputy Marshall who killed Bill Datson some two years ago, twenty five miles west of this city, while attempting his capture. The papers were served this week and each of the officers appeared at Paris yesterday and gave bond in the sum of $1,000 for his appearance for trial at the fall term of the court. The marshals are confident that a jury will not find them guilty.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, June 27, 1896
Rev. Williams Held - Case Which Has Excited Enid's Colored People Awaits the Grand Jury - The celebrated colored case was decided yesterday, Judge Conkling binding Evangelist Williams over to await the action of the next grand jury. This case has caused a great deal of excitement among the colored people throughout Garfield county. A few weeks ago Rev. Williams came upon the scene and a great revival was had at the colored Baptist church. Williams was a great shouter and many colored souls were saved. During the sojourn here Mr. Williams stayed at the home of Rev. Solomon Jones, the resident colored preacher, and all went merry until the green eyed monster took possession of the Rev. Jones, and early one morning, he alleges, he had just cause for beating the Rev. Williams unto the death. With a hatchet he made eight deep cuts in the evangelist's head. Mr. Williams left suddenly for parts unknown, and was captured by Sheriff Thratts. The trial was had and ended as above stated. Of course Mrs. Jones denies it all, and quietness once more reigns on the banks of the Boggy.
How a Juror Fell - Walter N. Owens, who has been confined in the United States jail the past sixty days, awaiting trial, was taken to Oklahoma City yesterday where he plead guilty to the charge. He will be sentenced next week and given passage to Leavenworth. The case of Owens is a remarkable one. Previous to his arrest he had always borne a good reputation and was well liked by all his neighbors. Two years ago Owens was on a jury trying a man charged with counterfeiting. A kit of counterfeiter's tools was introduced into evidence. Owens examined the tools carefully and asked volumes of questions regarding the making of queer money. At the conclusion of the trial, Owens went home, made a kit of counterfeiters tools and proceeded to do a little free coinage on his own hook. Making spurious money looked easier to him than earning honest money. He will now have several years in a secluded spot to rid his mind of an erroneous and dangerous idea gleaned in a jury box.
Deputy Junins Oldham has returned from Iowa country with Joe Dupree, Tom Lincoln and Chas Kahega, three Indian whisky sellers. They were lodged in the federal jail.
Alvin Arthland and George Girard, charged with timber cutting, were brought in from Woodward yesterday by Deputy Gene Hall and committed to the federal jail in default of bail
Near Blackwell, John M. Hiatt and James Clark, two contestants, got into a dispute over claim matters and the latter ran the former off the land, shooting at him several times. Clark is in the hands of the sheriff, charged with shooting with intent to kill. His preliminary will be held at Blackwell tomorrow.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, June 28, 1896
Killed with a Razor - Near South McAlester, Ida Smith, while in a fit of jealousy, cut Rose Moore so badly with a razor that she died last night. The Smith woman was arrested and will be taken to Ft Smith for trial.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, June 30, 1896
Killed in Self Defense - W. H. Arnold shoots Prof Swain, Colored - Tragedy Occurs in a Road - Swain Upbraids Arnold and Attacks Him With a Knife - The Latter Grabbed a Shot Gun and Shoots the Negro Dead - Arnold Gives Himself Up - The Killing - W. H. Arnold, a farmer well known all over the county, shot and killed Prof James Swain, a Negro school teacher, during an altercation at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The tragedy occurred in a public highway 8 miles southeast of the city in Springer township, in that is known as the Banner School district. There were no eye witnesses to the killing and particulars regarding the affair are very meager. Sometime ago there was trouble in the Banner School, and Swain, a teacher, was dismissed. He charged Arnold with being instrumental in deposing him. Yesterday Swain met Arnold on the public road and charged Arnold with slandering his (Swain's) wife. Arnold was in a farm wagon and Swain jumped into the wagon and attacked Arnold with a knife, making three wounds on the white man's breast and arms. Arnold grabbed a shot gun and fired on the Negro. The charge took effect in the Negro's head and he lived but a short time. Shortly after the shooting Arnold came to town, gave himself up and was lodged in the county jail. Sympathy is with Arnold. Swain is a married man and leaves a large family. Arnold is perhaps 33 years of age and is unmarried. A few nights ago he was initiated into the I.O.O.F. lodge of this city.
James Blue, who was convicted of impersonating a special pension examiner on evidence furnished by Special Agent Ike Lafferty, was sentenced June 16 to seventeen months imprisonment in the Leavenworth penitentiary. Blue has been confined in the pen since Oct 1, 1859.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, July 1, 1896
Oklahoma City - Three fleeing whisky peddlers last night captured a locomotive and forced the watchman on a Choctaw work train at Mikesukey, Seminole Nation, to run them westward into Oklahoma. After knocking the watchman in the head, they abandoned the engine near McLoud and fled to the Kickapoo reservation. They were heavily armed and very desperate. The engine met no obstacles and finally stopped fifteen miles east of these city, after a mad run of sixty miles.
Deputy Gene Hall yesterday committed to the federal jail J. E. McAfee charged with cutting timber. He is held in default of $500 bond.
Deputy F. I. Brown yesterday committed to the Federal Jail L. Emmett and J. Thompson, charged with assisting to escape and harboring Bob Jennett, the noted horse thief who escaped from Deputy Colcord by jumping from a Santa Fe train in Missouri a few weeks ago.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, July 3, 1896
Five Outlaws Hanged - The members of the Buck Gang Punished at Fort Smith, Ark. -Rufus Buck, Louis Davis, Lucky Davis, Maomi July and Sam Sampson, comprising what is known as the Buck gang, were hanged here today. President Cleveland refusing to interfere in the carrying out of the sentence of Judge Parker's court. The Buck gang, composed of five members were convicted of murder and criminal assault September 23, 1895, in Judge Parker's court and sentenced to be hanged October 31. An appeal to the United States supreme court acted as a stay, but the appeal was in vain, the higher court refusing to interfere.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, July 8, 1896
Richard Conway and Charles Clark were lodged in the federal jail yesterday on charge of peddling whisky in the Osage country.
The Jail Break - No News Yet Received of Any of the Outlaws - Up to last night no trace had been obtained of any of the outlaws who escaped from the federal jail Sunday night, though it is rumored that several were sighted yesterday out toward Cowboy Flats. Jailer Conley has offered $100 reward for the capture of each and every one of the leaders, and $25 apiece for the others and it is more than likely that the government will offer large rewards within a day or two. It is now reported that Lane, the Negro who started the attack on the guards, although held for a minor offense here, is wanted in Louisiana for several murders.
The large key to the jail door was found on Division street yesterday. All along the railroad track for a mile north the outlaws scattered letters and papers, but it is believed this was done for a decoy and that they have really gone in some other direction.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, July 12, 1896
From somewhere in the territory - While playing with an old revolver, the 5 year-old boy of Bill Carr, the noted outlaw, shot himself through the stomach, dying in a short time.
Wichita - Harry Hill, "Oklahoma Harry" died at Wichita Thursday. He was one of the leaders in the early attempts to open the territory to settlement and fought the battles of early settlers with no prospect of gain themselves. He was known and admired by all old time Oklahomans.
Tom Anderson, the young desperado, who stole a horse and shot a deputy sheriff in Greer county some weeks ago, escaped from the jail at Magnum Wednesday night. As the jailer brought in his supper he knocked him down, locked him in the cell and got away with the keys. Later he attempted to enter a house and assault a young lady and is still at large.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, July 14, 1896
Bill Tilghman's horse, Ed Kelly, has won another race at Kansas City. He couldn't help win with that name.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, July 16, 1896
Deputy George Stormer has been assigned temporarily as one of the guards at the federal jail.
The following very thin story was telegraphed out from Perry last night: Harry Callahan, a deputy marshal just in from the plains, reports a fight between the notorious Bill Doolin, Dynamite Dick and other desperadoes who escaped from the United States Jail recently, and a number of deputies who have been pursuing the outlaws. One of the outlaws was shot, but was carried away by the band, and two horses were killed. The outlaws are heavily armed. The posse is still in pursuit.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, July 17, 1896
Tecumseh - July 16 - "Doc" Stutsman was brought here today and jailed on charge of murdering Aaron Haney, at Keokuk Falls on the night of July 2. Haney was a saloonkeeper and found murdered and robbed. Stutsman was the man to first report the murder and has been very active in pretended running down the guilty ones, having accused several different parties of the crime but the evidence is now very strong against him.
Isam Strode, bound over to the district court of Justice Jackson on charge of robbing Santa Fe cars was taken to the county jail yesterday by Constable Tarrants and while the latter was hunting the jailer, Strode who had been left in the outer corridor jumped through a window and escaped.
Miles Harvey arrested at Edmond and charged with murdering Will Vincent at Lyons, Kas.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, July 18, 1896
John Hogan, cattle thief, and Pete Williams house breaker, broke jail at Tecumseh.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, July 19, 1896
Alf Caine shot and killed Ed Steele near Woodville, IT. Old quarrel
E G Chadwell, aged 50, at Durant, outraged Sallie Anderson, an 8 year old child, and she has died of her injuries. People will lynch the fiend. Too bad they can't do it several times.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, July 21, 1896
After leaving here last Friday morning Schrader, the healer fraud, went to Seward and took the noon train south, going to Ardmore, where he found a rich crop of suckers and was coining money rapidly when run out of town Sunday.
Pawnee - Mr. and Mrs. Geo Gibson, living near Sinnitt, have been indicted by the grand jury at Guthrie for perjury in the fall of '94 in the case of the Territory vs. Dan Ragan, charged with stealing a horse. They were arrested and placed under a bond of $3,400, which they failed to give and were taken to Guthrie.
Wholesaling Whisky - A Trio Jailed for Selling Poison Lightning to Indians - Among the late arrivals at the federal jail are Bill Buchanan and his wife and business partner, Mary, and of the last surname, and one James Leonard, who were captured in the Osage country, by Deputy Marshals Charles Colcord, Frank M. Canton and George H. Mouser, and taken before Commissioner Wrightsman, of Pawnee, who bound them over to the United States Court and sent them to jail here in default of $1,000 bail each. These people are a good catch, for they are all three old offenders who have given the government more or less trouble for years by selling whisky alcohol and vile poisons of various kinds to the Indians.
Since being under arrest Buchanan admits that he has operated in the Indian Territory for years selling great quantities of liquor to the Indians and had never been molested. The night before he was arrested he had sold forty gallons of alcohol to red men. The deputies who made the capture visited the vicinity of the Cherokee stomp dance ground where a number of Osages and visiting Indians were having a grand pow-wow, and seeing a number of drunken Indian stragglers in the vicinity of the stomp dance, they made search for the magical influence of their hilarity. Upon careful search of the defendants were located in a ravine near the stomp cance doing a wonderful traffic. A tub of stuff for lack of other name called alcohol, was being doled out by the two men for the price of 50 cents a tin cup.
The angelic wife was acting in the double capacity of guard and cashier. She had a double-barreled shotgun cocked across her lap with a representative arsenal close by, and scanned the officers and collected the money from the sale of ardent spirits. That the men were also armed it is needless to say. As the defendants were found in a spot of the country just over the Cherokee line they could not be arrested by our officers who only watched to see if they would attempt to cross the border line. Shortly after night the defendants drove their wagon into the Osage country where they were duly nabbed by the marshals. The defendants attempted to make flight, but the officers having the drop on them, made them desist. This they were forced to do from the overwhelming proof of the most reputable citizens. The business must have paid well, for the prisoners were all well supplied with money and were traveling and living in the best of style when captured.
El Reno - A report comes to town that Bill Jones, one of the parties who broke jail at Guthrie, is being harbored at the residence of the old lady Sellars in the northeast part of the county. Mrs. Sellars has been receiving assistance as a poor person from the county for some time. She is the grandmother of Jones wife, who during his incarceration has made her home with the old lady. If the board of commissioners are not a little bit careful in dispensing charity they may lay themselves open to a charge of aiding and abetting outlaws by furnishing them with subsistence.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, July 24, 1896
George King, a Negro from the Seminole nation, was brought here last night by Deputy Marshal Ryan and lodged in the federal jail. He is charged with having committed a rape on a white girl in that country. He will be taken to Fort Smith. Under the laws of the Indian Territory the punishment for rape is death by hanging.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, July 25, 1896
Oklahoma City - Kozier Minnick, who was brought down from Guthrie by Sheriff DeFord yesterday, charged with being implicated in the robbery of old man Brady, filed a satisfactory bond and went back to Guthrie this morning.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, July 26, 1896
Legrand Marshal, of Watonga, has been appointed guard at the federal jail in this city.
Mulhall Record - Mesdames C E Smith and F M Chapman returned Sunday from an overland trip to Sumner county, Kansas. They relate a thrilling ride on their way up with Counterfeiter McLain and wife, the former having escaped from the Guthrie jail at the time of the recent jail delivery. The ladies overtook McLain about thirty-five miles north of here. He asked that he and his wife might ride and insisted that his request be complied with. He was armed with a big Colt's revolver, which he took off and laid under the seat so as not to alarm the ladies, who naturally viewed him with no small amount of interest. McLain was inclined to be loquacious and told how he and his wife had walked all the way from Guthrie on short rations and sparse raiment. His wife was thinly clad and wore a fascinator on her head and carried her slippers in her hand, having worn their thin soles nearly out on their long tramp. They rode with the ladies to a few miles north of Caldwell and left them. It need not be said that the ladies heaved a sigh of relief when their unwelcome company bade them adieu.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, July 28, 1896
A Mexican named Jesus Eulaliotia was jailed at the federal jail yesterday on charge of forgery.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, July 29, 1896
Morris Zuckerman, formerly deputy U S Marshal, is attending a business college in Chicago.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, July 31, 1896
Lige Kincade was stabbed to death by an Italian at Hartshorne, IT yesterday
Gov Renfrow issued to Deputy Sheriff John Getty yesterday a requisition for Simon Howard, who is charged with being implicated in the killing of Aaron Baning at Keokuk Falls six weeks ago.
Messer's S M Jones, E H Nugent, Lane Fisher, R Arlington, Dr McPeek, J Nichols, and J C Harndon, all of Standard, are in the city. They have a petition bearing 238 names praying for the governor to grant a pardon to Henry Nichols, of Standard, who was convicted and sentenced to two years in the pen on the charge of cattle stealing.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, August 1, 1896
Alva, OT, July 31 - Some time between 10 o'clock last night and daylight this morning three prisoners escaped from the county jail here. Sam Smith, a cattle thief of Beaver county, who broke jail at Woodward about three months ago and captured in Colorado and brought to the Alva jail for safe keeping, George Brenes was indicted for the murder of William Wehril in this county four months ago, and Lee Beberstein was held for highway robbery. They sawed off the steel side rails of one of the jail cots and used them as levers with which to break the cell bars and their plans certainly only occupied a few minutes to let them out. This is the first escape of prisoners from the sheriff or jail here. The guard who sleeps in the jail knew nothing of the escape of the prisoners until the sheriff brought breakfast down at 7 o'clock this morning.
Doolin Again. Stillwater - Bill Doolin was in town last week. He rode in a farmer's wagon, repaired to Jones' and refreshed himself with a swig of genuine old Kentucky bourbon, with the remark that that beat the forty-rod stuff furnished at the federal jail in Guthrie. He said the revolt at Guthrie was not due to any especial desire for liberty - that they could live cheaper in the federal jail, and have more time for the practice of the manual of arms, than anyplace on earth - but that they drew the line on bad whiskey. Bill is a stickler for the pure essence of corn juice, as his many friends here can testify. After dining on blue channel cat at Geo. Doolittle's, and giving explicit directions as to his toute, so that the marshals, should they happen along, will have no trouble in following the trail, he departed for the east and his better half, at Lawson, behind a neighbor's ox team.
Officer Kills a Man - At Tecumseh yesterday Deputy Sheriff Owens of Oklahoma county, shot and killed John Miller, a young man, who was resisting arrest. Miller was a tough character and had been implicated in a number of crimes. Owens had a warrant for Miller's arrest, and while attempting to serve it, Miller made a gun play. Owens immediately whipped out his own gun and shot Miller. Sympathy is with Owens.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, August 2, 1896
Atoka, IT - Deputy Untied States Marshal James H. Thompson left here tonight for Paris, Tex., with fifteen prisoners, all Frenchmen, from Lehigh, charged with the murder of Bud James, a Choctaw Indian, at Phillips, IT, on Saturday night. The prisoners had a preliminary hearing today before Commissioner Grubb, who committed them without bail.
Officers and Thieves Fight - Perry, OT - A gentleman arriving from Kickapoo county tonight gives news of a fight between horse thieves and officers. Several very fine horses have been stolen of late, and today Deputy Sheriff Owens came up with a band with horses. In the fight Louis Miller was shot dead and all the horses captured. Miller is well connected.
Indian Justice - How the Court at Wetumpka Deals With Prisoners - The Indian court at Wetumpka has disposed of the following cases, which is quite different from justice dispensed from the white man's court. Isaac McDirt stole a cow from Cosk Fixico more than a year ago, and got 100 lashes on the bare back well laid on by the light horseman. Lumka Harbo got fifty lashes at the same time for breaking into a house. Jesse Theloco was convicted of stealing five head of cattle from George Cannard. This is the third conviction for stealing, and the death penalty is assessed. One Wilson was convicted of helping Theloco steal Cannard's cattle and will receive 100 lashes, this being the second conviction against him for theft. There is pending another indictment against him for theft, and if he is convicted the penalty will be death by shooting. Sandy Deacon got in the habit of stealing, and his third offence was a hog from Tulwa Harlo, for which he must pay the death penalty. Geesie, charged with larceny, had a hung jury. There are about a dozen more cases on the docket, and it is probable that of these one-half will be given the death penalty.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, August 4, 1896
The dead body of a Negro child, perhaps four months old, was found in the Cottonwood river at 7 o'clock last evening by a rowing party. The head of the infant had been crushed in by a blunt instrument and indications point to infanticide. The body had been in the water several days and there is not the slightest clue to its parentage. Coroner Barker will hold an inquest this morning.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, August 5, 1896
Several days ago the mail stage between Okeen and Lacy was robbed of registered letters containing large sums of money, and the report was given out that the mail carrier, Hempmeyer, also was robbed of a big sum. The driver described the robbers as Bill Doolin and Dynamite Dick, two of the most desperate men that ever operated in Oklahoma. Officers and citizens went in pursuit. The actions of Stage Driver Hempmeyer were suspicious. He is only 19 years old, but he handled large quantities of money. He was arrested and placed in jail on suspicion of being his own robber. He confessed yesterday.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, August 6, 1896
The Christian brothers, the famous bandits who escaped from the jail at Oklahoma City about a year ago through the connivance of a female bandit who smuggled arms to them, who were then under sentence for murder, and who committed another in order to escape, were recaptured near Loco, in the Indian Territory, yesterday afternoon. Hunger had driven them from their retreat. The officers followed, and having overtaken them, started to pass. When just opposite them they drew down on them, with Winchesters, and taken completely off their guard, the bandits tamely submitted to arrest, though heavily armed.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, August 7, 1896
W. A. Henchmeyer, the man who robbed his own stage, was yesterday committed to the Federal Jail by Deputy Geo. Smith in default of $1,000 bond.
Ed Lawrence, one of the escaped prisoners, was yesterday committed to the federal jail by Deputy Smith, in default of $2,000 bond.
Mike Williams, a noted cattle thief from Anadarko, was yesterday released from the federal jail after serving a ten months sentence.
The Guthrie Daily Leader, August 8, 1896
Perry Enterprise -- Doolin Returns Gun - Joe Miller's six-shooter, Taken the Night of the Jail Break, Returned by Bill's Mother-in-law. Quite a sensation was updated in the city this morning when it was known that Mrs. J. W. Elsworth, mother-in-law of Bill Doolin, had driven in from Lawson, Payne County, and had brought with her the Colts' 45-six-shooter belonging to Joe Miller, Doolin took with him the Sunday night he broke of the federal jail at Guthrie. Mrs. Elsworth delivered the gun to Granville Morris at the New York hardware store to whom she delivered Doolan's message to Joe Miller, which was: "I thank you , Joe , very much for the use of the gun, and will pay you for the use of it as soon as I strike a job." It is a very handsome colt's 45 six-shooter with pearl handle, and Joe is glad to get it back. Just what kind of a job to which Bill refers is not mentioned, but it is supposed he meant as soon as he made a raise in the old way. It might be inferred that Doolan is not far away but just where is hard to determine
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