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Outlaw Killed
Submitted by: Judy Tracy


Outlaw Killed
Cheyenne Sunbeam
November 1902

Taken from the November 1902 issue of Cheyenne Sunbeam though it happened at Cleo, O.T., Nov. 3
- Bert Casey, the noted Oklahoma outlaw, and Jim Sims were killed two and one half miles south of here this morning by Deputy Fred Hudson and Ed Locket of Weatherford.  Hudson has been with Casey for the last six weeks and they have been on the move through western Oklahoma.   A pitched battle was fought this morning about two o'clock.  Casey was shot four times by Hudson and Sims was also shot up.  Neither of the deputies were injured.  The outlaws were about Cleo over Sunday, Dr. Christie having worked on Casey's eye. Casey and Sims were brought to Cleo at noon today.  They are positively identified.

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Updated: Saturday, 07-Dec-2024 02:37:28 UTC

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