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Chris Madsen, Long Time Officer Is Out

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The Oklahoma Leader
May 18, 1916
Submitted by: Mollie Stehno

Chris Madsen has retired to private life.
For twenty-four years he has been a deputy United States marshal, for twenty years has served as chief deputy. He was appointed by U. S. Marshal Wm. Grimes to succeed Bill Robb in 1896 and served an unbroken term, covering 20 years, which came to a close May 1st when his resignation took effect. It will be some time, however before Mr. Madsen is finally checked out, as all of his account during all of his tenure of office must be "cleared" at Washington before he is released from his bond.
Chris Madsen has made an enviable record as an officer and an accurate accountant and "red tape" man and he has always stood at the very top in the efficiency reports. Duke Stallings, former head of the Democratic Press bureau and a personal friend and fellow townsman of Governor Williams, succeeds Madsen

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