Oklahoma City Retired Police Officers



The following is a list of retired Oklahoma City Police Officers
submitted by Robert Farrar.

Bobby G. Abbott                 1969  to  1989

Frank P. Abernathy             1964  to  1984

Enos L. Ables                    1968  to  1991

Charles R. Acox                 1958  to  1978

Dahl R. Adams                   1964  to  1988

Norma J. Adams                  1972  to  1996

Edward I. Ailey                 1969  to  1987

Larry D. Allen                  1971  to  1998

William H. Allread Jr.          1967  to  1988

Billy J. Anderson               1957  to  1977

Larry W. Andrews                1967  to  1987

James W. Anthony                1953  to  1974

Olen W. Ardery                  1951  to  1981

Howard H. Armer                 1963  to  1998

Phillip P. Arnold               1964  to  1997

Thomas E. Ashing                1971  to  1999

Edward A. Atkinson              1959  to  1979

Johnny R. Avera                 1970  to  1997

Donald L. Ayers                 1965  to  1991

George E. Bailey  ( D )         1943  to  1964

Leonard H. Bailey ( D )         1945  to  1964

Melvin D. Baker                 1981  to  1994

Billy C. Baldwin                1961  to  1984

Larry D. Baldwin                1967  to  1988

Phillip G. Ballard              1964  to  1988

Nathan L. Barber Sr.            1959  to  1979

Donald R. Barbour               1959  to  1980

Dawson B. Barnes                1967  to  1987

Howard M. Barnes                1978  to  1998

Homer O. Barnett                1961  to  1982

Rex V. Barrett                  1963  to  1997

Melvin D. Beall                 1964  to  1984

Kenneth R. Beatty               1966  to  1986

Michael G. Beaucourt            1972  to  1999

Manuel R. Beck                  1969  to  1999

James K. Bell                   1971  to  1996

Donald P. Bennett               1959  to  1982

Dennis L. Berglan               1962  to  1982

Virgil T. Bevel                 1969  to  1996

Allen F. Blackshere             1947  to  1968

Jim R. Blair                    1959  to  1979

Ronald L. Blevins               1971  to  1996

Neal F. Blount                  1957  to  1977

Ellis L. Bond Jr. ( D )         1971  to  1991

Robert Steve Bonney             1972  to  1992

Herbert Booker Sr.              1957  to  1978

Clyde R. Bowling                1972  to  1992

Richard A. Boyd                 1964  to  1984

Richard Bradford ( D )          1949  to  1969

Edward L. Bradway               1973  to  2000

William P. Branum               1966  to  1986

Donald L. Braswell              1957  to  1979

Roger D. Bratcher               1971  to  1999

Chester L. Breeden              1957  to  1977

Ben J. Bridges                  1970  to  1993

Abraham T. Brixey               1957  to  1978

Gary D. Brock                   1973  to  1996

Raymond J. Brooks               1970  to  1995

Charles A. Brown                1963  to  1984

Leo T. Brown                    1951  to  1972

Ronald K. Brown                 1962  to  1987

Walter L. Brown                 1950  to  1974

Donald R. Browning              1971  to  1999

N. Sue Brunts                   1960  to  1985

Fred Buckles                    1931  to  1957

Kenneth J. Buettner             1960  to  1980

William T. Burke                1963  to  1978

Michael A. Burkhart             1963  to  1968

Doug J. Burnett                 1976  to  1997

Leon Burnett                    1952  to  1982

George A. Burns                 1961  to  1981

Jimmy D. Burrow                 1965  to  1985

William K. Byler                1964  to  1984

John C. Cable                   1973  to  1994

Ronald G. Calvery               1963  to  1986

Kenneth E. Cambron              1969  to  1989

Dal Campbell                    1974  to  1999

Edward L. Campbell              1968  to  1990

Harold Campbell                 1962  to  1996

Geraldon Canary                 1967  to  1987

Dewayne L. Carruth              1970  to  1998

John W. Casady                  1935  to  1959

Patricia B. Cash                1965  to  1986

Ben M. Caswell                  1957  to  1979

David Chace                     1968  to  1996

David L. Chadwick               1978  to  1998

Ron G. Chambers                 1966  to  1988

Thomas A. Chaney                1973  to  1999

Roy G. Cheatham                 1969  to  1989

John L. Checotah                1972  to  1997

Powell H. Chick                 1961  to  1976

Chester Childs                  1970  to  1996

Donald M. Christian             1970  to  1991

Glen R. Christian               1964  to  1984

Danny V. Clark                1968 to 1988 (D)

Glen C. Clark                   1971  to  1996

Jim D. Clark  Sr                1959  to  1981

John C. Clark                   1973  to  1999

Raymond R. Clark ( D )          1966  to  1986

Ray S. Clark                    1948  to  1968

Tom C. Cline                    1967  to  1987

Aaron J. Clovis                 1958  to  1978

Danny L. Cochran                1968  to  1999

Donald R. Cochran               1951  to  1977

Ronald L Cochran                1951  to  1971

Marcus E. Coffelt               1976  to  1997

Phyllis E. Coffey               1967  to  1988

Bob J. Coffia                   1956  to  1977

Victor K. Colbert               1966  to  1986

Robert J. Coleman               1952  to  1973

Doyle H. Connley ( D )          1958  to  1978

Shirley R. Conner               1972  to  1994

Alonzo A. Cooper ( D )          1952  to  1974

M. B. Cooper ( D )              1936  to  1964

Kent Courkamp                   1973  to  1999

Ralph D. Courtney               1964  to  1985

Regina Z. Craig                 1973  to  1999

Don F. Cravens                  1967  to  1987

Elizabeth E. Crider             1958  to  1980

Terry L. Cronkite               1974  to  1999

Tim L. Cunningham               1972  to  1992

F. C. Daniels                   1942  to  1963

Paul Darragh                    1962  to  1973

Harry S. Davidson               1946  to  1964

Michael D. Davis                1976  to  1997

G. W. Davis                     1970  to  1999

Weldon E. Davis                 1950  to  1972

Wesley Dawson                   1970  to  1996

Clint Dedek                     1960  to  1991

Larry Deeds                     1966  to  1998

Richard Delaughter              1965  to  1998

Vernon W. Demoss                1972  to  1991

Donald B. Dillard               1970  to  1997

Howard H. Devine                1957  to  1980

Marvin L. Doherty               1964  to  1984

John R. Donnell                 1952  to  1980

George H. Doughty               1965  to  1999

Cecil R. Douglas                1954  to  1974

Charles E. Douglas              1966  to  1987

Emmett D. Douglas               1963  to  1997

Ronald V. Douglas               1961  to  1982

Charlton E. Dozier              1966  to  1981

David J. Duke                   1976  to  1999

John C. Dunbar                  1972  to  1991

Adam S. Edwards                 1972  to  1999

David W. Emberling              1973  to  1999

Gerald L. Emmett ( D )          1952  to  1982

Buren D. Enger                  1963  to  1985

Gary L. Englebretson            1974  to  2000

George Englebretson             1955  to  1977

Lonny H. Ercanbrack             1969  to  1999

Jack Evans ( D )                1950  to  1975

Monte R. Fairchild              1974  to  1994

Ina M. Faldo                    1955  to  1987

W. B. "Gene" Fansler ( D )      1963  to  1986

Robert I. Farrar                1967  to  1999

Earl F. Faubion                 1972  to  1999

Robert A. Ferguson              1954  to  1976

Noel W. Fink ( D )              1962  to  1983

Shirley A. Courts-Fisher        1966  to  1992

David S. Ford                   1972  to  1992

J. W. Ford                      1950  to  1973

Larry G. Foreman                1970  to  1990

Meridith G. Fowler              1952  to  1974

Darlene Franks                  1961  to  1987

Robert E. Frantz                1973  to  1997

Dennis R. Frazier               1972  to  1997

Robert L. Gallamore             1957  to  1977

James C. Gallegly               1970  to  1997

Daniel Garcia ( D )             1972  to  1996

James H. Garrette               1951  to  1978

Elzy Garrison                   1966  to  1990

Jerry Gates                     1966  to  1986

Edward J. Gaudin                1973  to  1994

Lindell W. Gay                  1963  to  1983

H. V. Gear II                   1941  to  1962

Hilton Geer ( D )               1941  to  1969

George H. Gieger ( D )          1951  to  1973

James L. Gibbs                  1967  to  1987

Carey D. Gilbert                1969  to  1984

William R. Gillespie            1956  to  1976

Horace W. Glemboski             1961  to  1982

Vernon Glover ( D )             1956  to  1976

James T. Godfrey ( D )          1933  to  1961

Charles V. Goforth              1970  to  1998

John M. Goldenstein             1968  to  1989

Roy L. Golightly                1974  to  1993

Charles E. Gooch                1970  to  1996

John E. Goold                   1947  to  1968

Gilbert F. Gothard              1957  to  1977

Robert Gourley ( D )            1966  to  1987

Jack Graham                     1973  to  1996

John Earl Graham                1963  to  1983

Lloyd A. Gramling               1953  to  1985

Larry Gramling                  1967  to  1997

William A. Gregory              1973  to  1999

Robert L. Green ( D )           1952  to  1972

Curtis E. Green                 1966  to  1992

Charles E. Greeson              1959  to  1979

Ted W. Gregory                  1961  to  1981

Robert M. Griffis               1963  to  1981

R. Neil Griffith                1963  to  1997

Jerry L. Guinn                  1964  to  1984

Jon S. Gustin                   1971  to  1991

Jesse Gutierres                 1966  to  1986

Bernard E. "Red" Hall           1958  to  1979

James E. Hall                   1967  to  1987

Wayne E. Hamilton ( D )         1950  to  1985

Huel I. Hamm ( D )              1947  to  1968

Grant H. Hammersberg            1950  to  1970

Henry L. Handke                 1957  to  1977

Irven H. Hargraves              1951  to  1972

Hollis S. Harper                1968  to  1999

J. Dwight Harper                1966  to  1987

Billy G. Harrison               1966  to  1986

James K. Harrison               1960  to  1973

Kenny B. Harrison               1971  to  1991

Terry L. Harrison               1974  to  1999

Walker W. Harrison              1948  to  1968

Tom L. Heggy                    1960  to  1982

Don L. Helm                     1972  to  1988

Larry W. Henderson              1963  to  1983

Robert G. Hervey                1957  to  1977

James Hicks                     1956  to  1977

Robert J. Hicks                 1963  to  1983

James L. Highfill               1971  to  1999

Charles G. Hill                 1966  to  1985

John G. Hill                    1963  to  1983

C. M. Hinderliter               1951  to  1971

Hershall W. "Choc" Hodges       1960  to  1984

Larry D. Hodges                 1970  to  1998

Gilbert D. Hogue                1974  to  1999

Eddie G. Hoklotubbe             1968  to  1988

James M. Hollier                1972  to  1994

Clayton R. Hollinger            1960  to  1980

Bradford C. Holt                1967  to  1987

Ray E. Homer                    1985  to  1997

Billy L. Hooten ( D )           1960  to  1980

Bob Horn                        1971  to  1999

Kenneth P. Hopkins ( D )        1956  to  1979

Maurice Hroch                   1977  to  1989

Ronald E. Houck                 1972  to  1999

J. Mike Hull                    1972  to  1999

Dannie L. Hutchinson            1970  to  1980

Bobby E. Hutton                 1953  to  1974

Anthony W. Hyde                 1966  to  1987

Haskell W. Irwin                1962  to  1984

Donald R. Isaac                 1970  to  1999

J. S. Jackson ( D )             1950  to  1974

Jimmy G. Jackson                1957  to  1979

Robert D. Jackson               1966  to  1986

William J. Jackson              1963  to  1997

Gary A. James                   1967  to  1988

Virgil L. James                 1970  to  2000

Richard A. Jerman               1966  to  1989

Albert S. Johnson               1952  to  1973

George L. Johnson               1970  to  1997

Jerry F. Johnson                1965  to  1986

Patricia G. Johnson             1978  to  1998

Terrel L. Johnson               1976  to  1997

Henry E. Jones                  1959  to  1979

James E. Jones                  1966  to  1986

Joe Bob Jones                   1963  to  1985

Lucien Jones                    1972  to  1990

Mike E. Jones                   1970  to  1998

Casey C. Jones ( D )            1945  to  1966

Raymond P. Jones ( D )          1971  to  1990

Jack C. Jordan ( D )            1947  to  1967

Herbert C. Judkins ( D )        1942  to  1962

James R. Juniper ( D )          1973  to  1994

John H. Kane                    1968  to  1997

Ulo Kasenurm                    1957  to  1978

Mackey R. Keener                1977  to  1999

Cecil Ray Keesee                1966  to  1989

Phillip G. Kennedy              1955  to  1983

Winfred L. Kerlick              1957  to  1977

Freddie R. Kerr                 1970  to  1998

Kenneth Kidd                    1969  to  1998

Donald E. King                  1966  to  1983

Ronald S. King                  1963  to  1983

Billy G. Kirkwood               1967  to  1987

Herman C. Kirkwood              1968  to  1988

Adam J. Knight                  1967  to  1987

Bruce L. Knox                   1958  to  1978

Larry D. Koonce                 1970  to  2000

Walter Kostiuk                  1951  to  1985

Elroy Kroeker                   1963  to  1989

William L. Krueger ( D )        1935  to  1959

James D. Kutchta                1974  to  1995

Richard H. Kutz  ( D )          1963  to  1980

Robert W. Lakin                 1970  to  1997

Donald M. Landes                1967  to  1994

Larry D. Larrimore              1967  to  1997

Billy J. Larson                 1966  to  1986

B. Jean Latham                  1955  to  1983

Terry D. Lawson ( D )           1963  to  1977

Clifford T. Lea                 1966  to  1986

Richard E. Lee                  1973  to  1998

Richard M. Lee                  1973  to  1998

George Leech ( D )              1941  to  1961

Jerry A. Legg                   1963  to  1979

John N. Lehr                    1966  to  1988

John L. Lemaster                1963  to  1984

Burke C. Lemay ( D )            1952  to  1972

John D. Lewis                   1949  to  1975

Wiiliam E. Lewis                1968  to  1998

Kenneth R. Liles                1956  to  1976

Kenneth T. Linn                 1970  to  1991

Dennis L. Lippe                 1968  to  1996

Ramon Lira                      1968  to  1996

Jon Loffi                       1974  to  1998

Gladys F. Loflin                1972  to  1994

Richard D. Logan                1971  to  1994

Homer R. Lovell                 1973  to  1995

Hardin M. Lovelace  Jr.         1970  to  1999

Benny C. Lovett                 1962  to  1984

Harold Loyd ( D )               1948  to  1969

Dow W. Lunn                     1947  to  1967

Ola B. Mangham                  1955  to  1975

William A. Marcum ( D )         1936  to  1971

Glen H. Marrow                  1968  to  1990

Calvin C. Martin                1971  to  1999

E. L. "Lee" Martin              1948  to  1962

W. C. Martin ( D )              1942  to  1963

Jerry R. Martin ( D )           1962  to  1987

Melvin D. Martin                1967  to  1991

Theophilus Martin               1962  to  1997

W. E. "Wimpy" Martin            1969  to  1998

Marvin A. Maxwell               1961  to  1986

David R. Mcbride                1968  to  1991

Jerry A. McCarley               1973  to  1999

Martinez McConnell              1967  to  1987

James C. McCrite                1952  to  1975

Lynn McCumber                   1981  to  1998

Billy R. McDonald ( D )         1951  to  1971

Ronald L. McEwen                1962  to  1982

Ronald J. McKinney              1968  to  1988

Robert W. McKittrick            1958  to  1981

Clyde S. McLaughlin             1953  to  1976

John D. McManus ( D )           1936  to  1959

Henry McMullen Jr.              1962  to  1982

C. B. Mead                      1948  to  1975

Raymond J. Melton               1962  to  1983

David Mercer                    1970  to  1999

Danny R. Mercer                 1968  to  1985

Bobby R. Merrill                1976  to  1997

Fred Merz ( D )                 1945  to  1966

Tommy J. Metzger                1963  to  1983

Clifford C. Miller              1948  to  1972

James C. Miller                 1970  to  1991

Warren A. "Doc" Miller          1952  to  1968

Ronald E. Mills                 1972  to  1999

Donald L. Ming                  1951  to  1977

William M. Minor                1964  to  1993

Lannie D. Mitchell              1968  to  2000

Bill R. Mize                    1952  to  1976

Vince E. Moncrief ( D )         1936  to  1957

Roger P. Montgomery             1972  to  1998

Edward L. Moore                 1967  to  1987

L. Gerald Moore                 1952  to  1982

Richard L. Morgan               1971  to  1992

Michael H. Morrison             1962  to  1979

Dewey Morse                     1969  to  1999

Bobby R. Moses                  1970  to  1990

D. C. Mosshart ( D )            1952  to  1974

Jack Mullenix ( D )             1946  to  1966

Glenn Mullins                   1971  to  1999

Richard H. Mullins              1964  to  1985

Thomas G. Mundy                 1971  to  1990

Jerry C. Nance                  1967  to  1987

Kenneth A. Nash                 1952  to  1972

Harold D. Neal                  1966  to  1986

Richard A. Neal                 1953  to  1973

Joy L. Neilson                  1979  to  1999

Conrad S. Nelson                1966  to  1972

Bennie L. Nichols               1976  to  1997

James R. Nutt                   1970  to  1991

Jimmy C. Nutter                 1958  to  1978

Hayes P. Ohler                  1958  to  1979

Stenson D. Orr                  1953  to  1969

James F. Osborne                1978  to  1990

John W. Osborne ( D )           1941  to  1961

Charles A. Owen                 1967  to  1991

Kelly D. Owens                  1972  to  1998

Ronald J. Owens                 1969  to  2000

Wayne F. Owen                   1967  to  1995

James O. Parsons                1964  to  1984

Frank E. Patton                 1953  to  1973

Gerald S. Payne                 1964  to  1981

Milton E. Peaster ( D )         1938  to  1969

James A. Peck                   1970  to  1999

Jerry C. Pendry                 1959  to  1979

Donald L. Pennington            1969  to  1996

Jim G. Purdue ( D )             1946  to  1975

Bill Peterman ( D )             1954  to  1975

Charles E. Phelps               1959  to  1979

Billy E. Phillips ( D )         1951  to  1972

Gary D. Phillips                1958  to  1979

Wayne Phillips ( D )            1946  to  1962

Jim C. Pierce ( D )             1955  to  1970

Cecil Pierce ( D )              1947  to  1971

Sammie V. Pierce                1962  to  1982

William A. Pierce               1971  to  1999

Joe J. Poe                      1963  to  1997

Theodore F. Pollock             1960  to  1984

Kenneth R. Pool                 1967  to  1988

Cecil D. Posey                  1951  to  1974

John L. Powell                  1965  to  1995

Bill J. Price                   1964  to  1984

I. G. Purser                    1953  to  1977

Jackie R. Raines                1966  to  1988

Joseph W. Rankin ( D )          1943  to  1961

Michael D. Ratikan ( D )        1968  to  1971

James H. Reading                1948  to  1972

Billy J. Reese                  1971  to  1991

Henry A. Reed  Jr. ( D )        1957  to  1978

Billy J. Revels                 1947  to  1972

C. R. Richards ( D )            1942  to  1960

George W. Ridley                1937  to  1970

Russell M. Rigsby ( D )         1959  to  1980

David Riggs                     1970  to  1996

John E. Riley                   1971  to  1997

K. Leroy Rinehart               1968  to  1988

Arthur R. Robinson              1967  to  1997

Gordon L. Robertson             1969  to  2000

Jimmy D. Robertson              1964  to  1985

Robert W. Robinson              1964  to  1985

Royce W. Robison                1969  to  1989

Kenneth Roddy                   1969  to  1996

Larry Rogers                    1969  to  1996

James R. Rogers (D)             1970  to  1990

Michael D. Rose                 1966  to  1986

Robert H. Rowell                1971  to  1992

Robert O. Rusche                1951  to  1976

George Rust                     1953  to  1973

Tommie L. Rutledge              1967  to  1998

Ben H. Satterfield              1958 to  1980

Clay Scheid ( D )               1936  to  1961

Donald R. Schimmels             1959  to  1983

Henry J. Schmidt                1946  to  1966

Kenneth W. Schoonover ( D )     1967  to  1975

Roscoe C. Scobey ( D )          1956  to  1977

Charles W. Scott ( D )          1928  to  1953

Kenneth L. Seal                 1951  to  1972

Sampson H. Sealy                1967  to  1988

Douglas F. Shaeffer             1969  to  1991

Robert G. Shahan ( D )          1968  to  1990

Charles H. Sheldon              1968  to  1997

Claude L. Shobert               1968  to  1988

Jack E. Slover                  1973  to  1997

Donald T. Smaistrla             1964  to  1984

Arlin G. Smith                  1966  to  1986

Arthur L. Smith                 1964  to  1983

Billy F. Smith                  1963  to  1984

Carl D. Smith                   1962  to  1989

Carol "Creech" Smith            1962  to  1984

Donald E. Smith                 1970  to  1992

Douglas N. Smith                1970  to  1990

Evelyn M. Smith                 1961  to  1982

Jack W. Smith                   1953  to  1974

Jewell F. Smith                 1972  to  1994

Ken E. "Sugar" Smith            1964  to  1988

K. R. Smith ( D )               1966  to  1996

Raymond L. Smith                1964  to  1985

William B. Smith                1967  to  1994

Robert T. Snider                1971  to  1991

Bill F. Snipes                  1967  to  1987

J. J. Snook ( D )               1958  to  1978

Harvey Standridge ( D )         1957  to  1977

Robert W. Starr                 1949  to  1972

Bobby G. Steelman               1965  to  1997

Calvin Stephens ( D )           1948  to  1968

Shedric W. Stephens             1946  to  1968

Connie S. Sterling              1967  to  1988

Vickie L. Sterling              1967  to  1982

Ernest W. Stevenson Jr.         1952  to  1973

Richard D. Stickney             1967  to  1986

David L. Story                  1970  to  1999

Orvil R. Summers                1959  to  1979

David E. Swidler                1957  to  1977

Lewis H. Swindler               1951  to  1972

Kenneth L. Tallant              1969  to  1996

Bobby L. Tash                   1968  to  1988

Howard T. Taylor                1959  to  1980

Jimmy L. Taylor                 1966  to  1989

Leland Don Taylor               1957  to  1977

Paul D. Taylor                  1968  to  1997

Robert D. Taylor                1971  to  1999

Robert H. Taylor                1969  to  1991

William S. Taylor               1954  to  1975

William W. Tays  Sr             1970  to  1990

Robert E. Terhune               1964  to  1985

James H. Thomas                 1972  to  1992

Joyce M. Thompson               1976  to  1996

Robert W. Thompson              1966  to  1984

Bobby Tidwell                   1972  to  1999

Linda Tidwell                   1972  to  1999

Andrew F. Timmons               1969  to  1997

Curtis L. Timmons               1969  to  1996

Bobby Tompkins                  1970  to  1996

Simon Torres                    1966  to  1997

James L. Trimble                1974  to  1999

Danny J. Troyer                 1960  to  1980

Gene P. Tucker                  1953  to  1972

Jerry W Tune  Sr                1967  to  1987

Walter M. Turner                1936  to  1970

Kenneth P. Uffen                1963  to  1985

Larry K. Upchurch               1962  to  1982

Stephen R. Upchurch             1964  to  1999

Dale M. Vaughn                  1951  to  1963

Tommy J. Vernon                 1962  to  1982

Billy R. Vetter                 1963  to  1987

Robert D. Vogt  ( D )           1963  to  1984

Gordon W. Vowell                1970  to  1997

Ed Waggoner ( D )               1955  to  1975

Logan E. Waldrup                1960  to  1981

Cecil C. Walker Jr              1956  to  1979

Chris C. Walker                 1945  to  1968

Gary L. Ward  ( D )             1970  to  1985

James M. Watson  ( D )          1954  to  1978

Samuel D. Watson                1954  to  1974

Jerry L. Webb  ( D )            1963  to  1983

James R. Webster                1967  to  1975

Fred Weed                       1957  to  1977

Jack K. Wells                   1969  to  1997

Glenn P. White                  1965  to  1988

David Whitfill                  1964  to  1987

Wayne V. Whitley  ( D )         1959  to  1992

Janice Wilbanks                 1959  to  1992

H. V. Wilder ( D )              1915  to  1950

Robert V. Wilder                1960  to  1990

D. S. "Dutch" Wiley             1956  to  1976

Walter J. Wilhelm               1963  to  1988

Norman V. Wilkerson  ( D )      1957  to  1980

William L. Williams  ( D )      1951  to  1972

Jerry M. Williams               1970  to  1995

Jimmy M. Williams               1966  to  1991

William A. "Ace" Williams       1937  to  1969

Willie "Gene" Williams          1960  to  1980

James H. Willis                 1962  to  1982

Jerry W. Wilson                 1966  to  1982

Roger L. Winborn                1971  to  1992

John E. Windle                  1967  to  1997

William F. Wise                 1965  to  1992  

Travis W. Witcher               1963  to  1982

William F. Wolf                 1962  to  1982

Byron W. Wood                   1971  to  1999

Lonnie H. Wood                  1961  to  1982

Robert Woods                    1970  to  1999

Jimmie D. Woodie                1971  to  1991

Bob L. Wright                   1963  to  1988

Richard E. Wright               1969  to  1996

Jimmy L. Yandell                1968  to  1999

J. J. Young                     1963  to  1988

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