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Early-Day Sheriff, Ed Robertson, Dies
Submitted by: Bob Chada


Early-Day Sheriff, Ed Robertson, Dies
Guthrie Daily Leader
Sept. 30, 1952
Page 1

Ed Robertson, 78-year-old pioneer city resident and veteran peace officer, died at the Swansberger nursing home here Tuesday following a heart attack.
Funeral arrangements were pending with the Davis Funeral Home in charge.
A resident here since 1889, Robertson's long tenure as a peace officer including serving two terms as county sheriff, and 10 years as a deputy U. S. Marshal.
While serving with the U. S. Marshal's office, Robertson was involved in a gun fight in which Al Spencer, notorious Oklahoma bank robber and outlaw, was slain.

Robertson also served as a detective with the police department here in the late 1920's, and as county jailer when Glen Farquharson was sheriff in 1939-40. He then was appointed district court bailiff here, and served up until a short time before his death.

He made his home at 1009 E. Harrison, and had made gardening a hobby for the last several years.
Survivors include his wife of the home address, two sons, Wallace Robertson of Oklahoma City, and Maj. Ben Robertson of Zenia, Ohio, a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Jamison of West Cliff On the Sea, England, and two brothers, Dr. Ralph Robertson of Hutchinson, Kan., and Roscoe Robertson of Little Rock, Ark.
The family requested that friends desiring to send flowers make a donation to the heart fund for medical research instead.

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